Sneak peek Let The Games Begin 2

Hello readers, here is the book 2 of the series Let The Games Begin. coming soon! available for pre-order now online at the lffpublishing link on my home page.

The Dodge van that Porter encouraged her to buy came in handy considering his disability. He was going through therapy sessions, but none were making him feel like he was making any progress closer to walking on his own again.
“Are you ready Mack P?” she asks Porter. He nods his head prepared to go see Troy. Entering the building they were checked by security guards and wand metal detectors.
            Porter enters further into the jail passing more armed guards. The loud clicking of the doors unlocking showed Porter this was real. He could not believe Troy turned himself in.
            Monae returns to the car to wait outside. She just recently began reading her book “Charge It to the Game” by Michele Cameron, and figured she could catch up on her reading now.                   
            Porter made his way to the windowed booth where Troy was sitting. He picked up the phone.
            “What the hell are you doing Troy?” Porter asked with a serious tone.
            “Mane stop worrying about me. I promise you, I'm good in here. I admit I made a few mistakes, but that has come to an end.” Troy responded. To Porter he still looked the same. Nothing ever scared Troy so he knew this was the least of Troy's concern.
            “You didn’t tell me that you had gotten into some bad shit while I was down under! I hope what I'm hearing isn't true. Come on man... You were supposed to hold things down for me...” Porter scolded.
            “I hope I haven't let you down big brother. I cant explain it, but I was wrong for what I did. I just want to man up and accept what is coming. But you better believe if I am going out, it will be in style. I have been waiting for you my brother. A gangster is never held down for too long.” Troy responded.
            “So what was the purpose of doing things this way?” Porter asked trying to same on the same page.
           “Trust me every move I make from now is for you and my child. This world is not fit for me anymore. I run all my women away from loving them the wrong way. Hell I could not even have a child of my own with the woman I love, before another chump did. I would rather leave this world knowing that you are still here well taken care of, then to be here causing hell on this earth bringing you down more.”
            “I am going to talk to Jimmy. This is not where you belong. You belong out here with me. I need my soldier back!” Porter advised. "And what are you talking about your child. Deon Junior is not yours..."
            “No need to talk to Jimmy. He knows the deal. My man is working on something fye. Just let 'em do his thang. Its all in the plan. And I am not talking about Deon Junior...I have a child on the way too.” Troy assured him. Porter and Troy always understood each other’s lingo so he would do as Troy said, and allow him to do what he has planned to do.
            “Alright then...” Porter told him. They pound fists up against the glass window.
"See you real soon Mack P" Troy spoke as Porter wheeled himself out of the visitation area. He never held his head down and was not about to start now. He leaves out of the jail feeling better already. I don't know what Troy got going on but the show must go on, Porter thought as he spotted Monae waiting for him.

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